I used to believe people are where they are because deep
down that’s where they wanted to be. Now I know, in most
cases, that is far from the truth.
Wrong directions, old ways that used to work, imposed
limits and fears from others that may even care a great
deal about you, frustrate and keep you playing small. And
that is definitely not where anyone wants to be.
I have had enough of just thinking, believing, trusting
or imagining how things are or should be. I am about
deciding to act, to experience, to know for myself.
Let me share with you the tools that I have found will
work NOW for the issues that challenge you NOW. Let
me show you how you can relinquish fear, embrace an
abundant Life and, most importantly, help others on the
way if you wish to.
Let’s do this…
Vassilis Th. Kykrilis